So last night I went to see Rami play in a crazy polka-opera band, and my friend Amy asked me if I have a blog. I said no, but then I remembered my former life as a super-emo-Livejournal-user and I
Posts by Author: 126 posts by Kathryn
Ahhhh! It’s tonsil surgery day! I am, of course, up too early because I am nervous nervous. Katie will be so tired of feeding me ice cream that she’s leaving Monday. BUT! I will borrow a cat to keep me
Good things that happened to me this week: 1. Cleaned the kitchen. 2. Cleaned the washer hoses and tub. 3. Jerry Fallwell died. 4. Skylar, Andy’s cat, slept in my lap while I watched Grey’s Anatomy. 5. Bought a new