School at AISD and UT is officially underway, which means less experimenting in the kitchen and more quick, easy, reliable, filling recipes. This week we’re getting lots of familiar food in the box, thank goodness. Red Potatoes – Naegelin Yellow
I’m in love, you guys. With okra ladies. On YouTube. I’m trying to figure out what to do with the okra in our Greenling basket this week, so I’m watching a lot of videos on YouTube for instruction. The okra
Hey y’all! I took a little break from blogging since work has been so crazy the last few weeks. Now that the clouds have parted a bit, it feels good to be back! I didn’t take a break from cooking.
Kraft macaroni and cheese, never again! Thanks to Pioneer Woman, I found a delicious recipe for Butternut Squash Mac ‘n’ Cheese and decided to puree our Greenling squash this week to make the recipe. Here’s what I ended up cooking:
Ugh, no dates from Greenling this week. We did get peaches, though, and I have some ricotta in the fridge. I’m substituting peach ricotta pancakes for the grilled fig and cheese sandwiches tomorrow night.