1. It is Labor Day!

2. I have the day off work.

3. My big to-dos are to (1) walk Barclay, (2) cook apple/leek soup, and (3) cook a new Turkish eggplant dish.

4. I already walked Barclay, so I’m 2/3 finished with my to-do list.

5. This leaves time for reflection.

6. Yesterday my friend Sarah hosted an adorable Hawaiian-themed party. I got to see a bunch of work buddies there, and we all drank “Brains Brains,”a delicious, boba tea style tropical beverage. (Recipe coming soon, if I can convince Jacob to share!)

7. I don’t really have any Luau-appropriate accessories in my closet, so I wore a fabulous fuschia sundress and these flowers in my hair.  I found the flowers in a bush outside my apartment and, luckily, I removed a big spider from them BEFORE I put them in my hair.

8. Check out my eyebrows in the picture. See how lustrous and full they look? For the past 2 months I have been exercising extreme restraint in my regular eyebrow tweezing routine so that my eyebrows will be thicker. I think it is working.

9. When I was 7 years old, my sister convinced me that it would be cool to shave off my left eyebrow with her Bic razor in the shower.

10. I did it.  My sister laughed. I tried to hide my bald eyebrow by refusing to cut my bangs for 6 months. When my mom found out, she cried.  My left eyebrow did not fully rejoin my face until 8th grade.