Rami and I have been nesting like crazy, so this is a home-inspired edition of Friday favorites.  Some of my current obsessions include:

Glass Canisters

I’m so over Ziploc bags and grubby paper bags of sugar in my pantry. I like pretty things, and the thought of seeing all my staples lined up on a shelf in clear glass jars (better to showcase flour varietals in their neutral-hued glory) makes my heart sing.   I am obsessed with these Anchor Hocking Heritage Hill canisters in all sizes.  Practical. Lovely. Cheap.

Basil + Tomatoes + My Mouth

I hated tomatoes until I tasted fresh, locally grown heirloom tomatoes.  Now I can’t get enough of the candy-sweet juicy slices of these lumpy lovers. Add a little basil and mozarella, and it is pure heaven.  This week we ate margherita pizzas on Wednesday night, sliced tomato with whole basil leaves on Thursday, and I’m making roasted tomatoes with garlic and basil tonight. Rinse, lather, repeat for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Floor Length Curtains

The Vitamin String Quartet

Pretty much everything the do falls into the “better than the original” category for me.  In order to make packing and unpacking more bearable, I break up the time with random YouTube videos and Grooveshark mixes of their music.


This Judge Judy Clip

Courtesy of my friendy Amy
