I’m in love, you guys. With okra ladies. On YouTube. I’m trying to figure out what to do with the okra in our Greenling basket this week, so I’m watching a lot of videos on YouTube for instruction. The okra
Hey y’all! I took a little break from blogging since work has been so crazy the last few weeks. Now that the clouds have parted a bit, it feels good to be back! I didn’t take a break from cooking.
Kraft macaroni and cheese, never again! Thanks to Pioneer Woman, I found a delicious recipe for Butternut Squash Mac ‘n’ Cheese and decided to puree our Greenling squash this week to make the recipe. Here’s what I ended up cooking:
Ugh, no dates from Greenling this week. We did get peaches, though, and I have some ricotta in the fridge. I’m substituting peach ricotta pancakes for the grilled fig and cheese sandwiches tomorrow night.